Space Policy Archive
The Center for Space Policy and Strategy has compiled an extensive collection of current and historical documents on U.S. and international space policy, law, and regulation. You can browse or search for these documents via Presidential Administration, origin, subject, and other criteria.

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Administration | Document Title | Publication Date | Subject | Originator | Document Type |
Bill Clinton | Vice President Gore, Transportation Secretary Pena Usher In New Era for Travel, Time Savings, and Communications with Global Positioning Satellite System | 03/29/1996 | Navigation | Department of Transportation | Statement/Speech |
Bill Clinton | President Opens Door to Commercial GPS Markets | 03/29/1996 | Navigation | Office of the Press Secretary | Statement/Speech |
Bill Clinton | U.S. Global Positioning System Policy | 03/28/1996 | Navigation | Bill Clinton | Policy Directive |
Bill Clinton | Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Ukraine Regarding International Trade in Commercial Space Launch Services | 02/21/1996 | Commercial, Launch | United States, Ukraine | Treaty/Int'l Agreement |
Bill Clinton | Talking Points on 1995 Interagency Report on Orbital Debris | 02/13/1996 | Orbital Debris | NASA | Fact Sheet |
Bill Clinton | A National Security Strategy of Engagement and Enlargement - excerpt on space from executive summary | Feb-1996 | Security | Bill Clinton | Policy Directive |
Bill Clinton | Steps Taken by Space Agencies for Reducing the Growth or Damage Potential of Space Debris | 1996 | Orbital Debris | United Nations | Report |
Bill Clinton | Administration of Export Controls | 12/05/1995 | Export Control | Bill Clinton | Policy Directive |
Bill Clinton | Exchange of letters between the United States and Australia regarding provision of technical and information support for defense purposes | 12/01/1995 | International Cooperation, Security | United States, Australia | Treaty/Int'l Agreement |
Bill Clinton | Interagency Report on Orbital Debris | Nov-1995 | Orbital Debris | National Science & Technology Council | Report |
Bill Clinton | Congressional/Industry Talking Points on excess ballistic missile policy | 09/28/1995 | Launch, Security | Office of Science & Technology Policy | Fact Sheet |
Bill Clinton | U.S. Policy on the Use of Foreign Excess Strategic Ballistic Missiles | 09/28/1995 | Launch, Security | National Security Council, Office of Science & Technology Policy | Memo |
Bill Clinton | U.S. Space Launch Trade Transition Strategy | 06/26/1995 | Industrial Base, Launch | Office of Science & Technology Policy | Memo |
Bill Clinton | Revision to NSC/PD-25, dated December 14, 1977, entitled Scientific or Technological Experiments with Possible Large-Scale Adverse Environmental Effects and Launch of Nuclear Systems into Space | 05/17/1995 | Launch, Nuclear, Security | National Security Council | Memo |
Bill Clinton | Interagency Space Policy Review | 05/15/1995 | Space Program Priorities | Bill Clinton | Study Directive |
Bill Clinton | Classified National Security Information | 04/17/1995 | Security | Bill Clinton | Policy Directive |
Bill Clinton | Memorandum of Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the People's Republic of China Regarding International Trade in Commercial Launch Services | 03/03/1995 | Commercial, Launch | United States, China | Treaty/Int'l Agreement |
Bill Clinton | National Security Science and Technology Strategy - Executive Summary | Mar-1995 | Security | National Security Council | Report |
Bill Clinton | Release of Imagery Acquired by Space-Based National Intelligence Reconnaissance Systems | 02/22/1995 | Earth Observation, Remote Sensing, Security | Bill Clinton | Policy Directive |
Bill Clinton | A National Security Strategy of Engagement and Enlargement - excerpt on space from executive summary | Feb-1995 | Security | Bill Clinton | Policy Directive |
Bill Clinton | DoD Implementation of National Space Transportation Policy | 11/23/1994 | Launch | Department of Defense | Memo |
Bill Clinton | Agreement Between the United States of America and Ukraine on Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes | 11/22/1994 | International Cooperation | United States, Ukraine | Treaty/Int'l Agreement |
Bill Clinton | Memorandum of Understanding Between the Secretary of State for Defence of the United Kingdom and the Secretary of Defense of the United States of America Concerning Exchange of Research and Development Information | 11/18/1994 | International Cooperation, Security | United States, United Kingdom | Treaty/Int'l Agreement |
Bill Clinton | Common Spacelift Requirements Report | 11/07/1994 | Launch | Department of Defense, Department of Commerce, Department of Transportation, NASA | Report |
Bill Clinton | National Space Transportation Policy Coordinated Technology Plan | 11/07/1994 | Launch | Department of Defense, Department of Commerce, Department of Transportation, NASA | Report |
Bill Clinton | Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Australia Concerning Co-operative and Collaborative Research, Development, and Engineering | 10/21/1994 | International Cooperation, Security | United States, Australia | Treaty/Int'l Agreement |
Bill Clinton | Excess Strategic Ballistic Missiles | 10/07/1994 | Industrial Base, Launch | National Security Council | Memo |
Bill Clinton | Statement on establishment of a Security Policy Board | 09/27/1994 | Security | Office of the Press Secretary | Statement/Speech |
Bill Clinton | Security Policy Coordination | 09/16/1994 | Security | Bill Clinton | Fact Sheet |
Bill Clinton | Statement on National Space Transportation Policy | 08/05/1994 | Launch | Office of Science & Technology Policy | Fact Sheet |
Bill Clinton | National Space Transportation Policy | 08/05/1994 | Launch | Bill Clinton | Policy Directive |
Bill Clinton | Q&A on National Space Transportation Policy | 08/02/1994 | Launch | Department of Defense, NASA | Fact Sheet |
Bill Clinton | A National Security Strategy of Engagement and Enlargement - excerpt on space from executive summary | Jul-1994 | Security | Bill Clinton | Policy Directive |
Bill Clinton | Convergence of Civil-Military Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite Programs | 05/10/1994 | Earth Observation | Department of Defense | Statement/Speech |
Bill Clinton | Convergence of U.S. Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite Systems | 05/10/1994 | Earth Observation | Office of the Press Secretary | Fact Sheet |
Bill Clinton | Defense, Commerce, and NASA Plan to Cooperate on Common Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellite Program | 05/10/1994 | Earth Observation | Department of Defense | Statement/Speech |
Bill Clinton | Landsat Remote Sensing Strategy | 05/10/1994 | Earth Observation, Remote Sensing | Office of the Press Secretary | Fact Sheet |
Bill Clinton | Convergence of U.S. Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite Systems and Landsat Remote Sensing Strategy | 05/10/1994 | Earth Observation | Office of the Press Secretary | Statement/Speech |
Bill Clinton | Landsat Remote Sensing Strategy | 05/05/1994 | Earth Observation, Remote Sensing | Bill Clinton | Policy Directive |
Bill Clinton | U.S. Deputy Secretary of Commerce David J. Barram Announces Administration's New Policy on Remote Sensing Space Capabilities | 03/10/1994 | Earth Observation, Remote Sensing | Department of Commerce | Fact Sheet |
Bill Clinton | Remote Sensing Q&A | 03/10/1994 | Earth Observation, Remote Sensing | Department of Commerce | Fact Sheet |
Bill Clinton | Foreign Access to Remote Sensing Space Capabilities | 03/10/1994 | Earth Observation, Remote Sensing, Security | Office of the Press Secretary | Statement/Speech |
Bill Clinton | Statement on sale of high-resolution satellite imagery | 03/10/1994 | Earth Observation, Remote Sensing, Security | Office of the Press Secretary | Statement/Speech |
Bill Clinton | Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the United States of America on Technological Safeguards Associated with the Launch of the INMARSAT-3 Satellite | 02/14/1994 | Commercial, Export Control, Launch | United States, Russia, Kazakhstan | Treaty/Int'l Agreement |
Bill Clinton | Landsat 7 Transition Plan | Feb-1994 | Earth Observation, Remote Sensing | Department of Defense, NASA | Memo |
Bill Clinton | Presidential Decisions on the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and Theater Ballistic Missile Defenses | 1994 | Missile Defense | Office of the Press Secretary | Fact Sheet |
Bill Clinton | National Science and Technology Council | 11/23/1993 | Governance | Office of the Press Secretary | Fact Sheet |
Bill Clinton | President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology | 11/23/1993 | Governance | Bill Clinton | Policy Directive |
Bill Clinton | Establishment of the National Science and Technology Council | 11/23/1993 | Governance | Bill Clinton | Policy Directive |
Bill Clinton | Statement of the President on the establishment of the National Science & Technology Council | 11/23/1993 | Governance | Office of the Press Secretary | Statement/Speech |