Space Policy Archive
The Center for Space Policy and Strategy has compiled an extensive collection of current and historical documents on U.S. and international space policy, law, and regulation. You can browse or search for these documents via Presidential Administration, origin, subject, and other criteria.

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Administration | Document Title | Publication Date | Subject | Originator | Document Type |
Bill Clinton | President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology | 11/23/1993 | Governance | Office of the Press Secretary | Fact Sheet |
Bill Clinton | Study on the Application of Confidence-Building Measures in Outer Space | 10/15/1993 | Arms Control, Security | United Nations | Report |
Bill Clinton | Nonproliferation and Export Control Policy | 09/27/1993 | Export Control | Office of the Press Secretary | Fact Sheet |
Bill Clinton | Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Russian Federation Regarding International Trade in Commercial Space Launch Services (with amendments) | 09/02/1993 | Commercial, Launch | United States, Russia | Treaty/Int'l Agreement |
Bill Clinton | United States-Russian Joint Commission on Energy and Space: Joint Statement on Cooperation in Space | 09/02/1993 | International Cooperation | United States, Russia | Treaty/Int'l Agreement |
Bill Clinton | Memorandum of Agreement on Satellite Technology Safeguards Between the Governments of the United States of America and the People's Republic of China | 02/11/1993 | Commercial, Export Control, Launch | United States, China | Treaty/Int'l Agreement |
Bill Clinton | Exchange of letters between the United States and Canada regarding defense assistance | 02/10/1993 | International Cooperation, Security | United States, Canada | Treaty/Int'l Agreement |
Bill Clinton | Establishment of Presidential Review and Decision Series | 1/20/1993 | Governance | Bill Clinton | Policy Directive |
George H.W. Bush | Vice President Makes Major Space Policy Recommendations | 01/14/1993 | Space Program Priorities | National Space Council | Statement/Speech |
George H.W. Bush | Missile Technology Control Regime: U.S. Guidelines | 01/07/1993 | Arms Control | United States | Treaty/Int'l Agreement |
George H.W. Bush | Treaty Between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (START 2) | 01/03/1993 | Arms Control | United States, Russia | Treaty/Int'l Agreement |
George H.W. Bush | Final Report to the President on the U.S. Space Program | Jan-1993 | Space Program Priorities | National Space Council | Report |
George H.W. Bush | A Post Cold War Assessment of U.S. Space Policy | 12/17/1992 | Space Program Priorities | National Space Council | Report |
George H.W. Bush | Principles Relevant to the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space | 12/14/1992 | International Cooperation, Security | United Nations | Treaty/Int'l Agreement |
George H.W. Bush | The Future of the U.S. Space Launch Capability | Nov-1992 | Launch | National Space Council | Report |
George H.W. Bush | The Future of the U.S. Space Industrial Base | Nov-1992 | Industrial Base | National Space Council | Report |
George H.W. Bush | Implementing Agreement Between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States of America and the Russian Space Agency of the Russian Federation on Human Space Flight Cooperation | 10/05/1992 | International Cooperation | United States, Russia | Treaty/Int'l Agreement |
George H.W. Bush | Remarks by the Vice President - World Space Congress | 08/31/1992 | Space Program Priorities | Office of the Press Secretary | Statement/Speech |
George H.W. Bush | National Space Policy Assessment | 08/31/1992 | Space Program Priorities | National Space Council | Statement/Speech |
George H.W. Bush | Space Policy Assessment | 07/20/1992 | Space Program Priorities | National Space Council | Memo |
George H.W. Bush | Implementation of Space Exploration Initiative Policy | 07/10/1992 | Exploration | Department of Defense | Memo |
George H.W. Bush | Joint U.S.-Russian Statement on a Global Protection System | 06/17/1992 | International Cooperation, Missile Defense, Security | Office of the Press Secretary | Statement/Speech |
George H.W. Bush | Russian Space Launch | 06/17/1992 | Commercial, Launch, Security | National Space Council | Fact Sheet |
George H.W. Bush | Agreement Between the United States of America and the Russian Federation Concerning Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes | 06/17/1992 | International Cooperation | United States, Russia | Treaty/Int'l Agreement |
George H.W. Bush | Joint Statement on Cooperation in Space | 06/17/1992 | International Cooperation | Office of the Press Secretary | Statement/Speech |
George H.W. Bush | Space-based Global Change Observation | 06/05/1992 | Earth Observation, Remote Sensing | Office of the Press Secretary | Fact Sheet |
George H.W. Bush | Space-based Global Change Observation | 05/28/1992 | Earth Observation, Remote Sensing | George H.W. Bush | Policy Directive |
George H.W. Bush | Report to the President | 05/01/1992 | Space Program Priorities | National Space Council | Report |
George H.W. Bush | National Space Council Membership | Apr-1992 | Governance | National Space Council | Fact Sheet |
George H.W. Bush | Trade with Former Soviet Union | 03/27/1992 | International Cooperation | Office of the Press Secretary | Fact Sheet |
George H.W. Bush | Space Exploration Initiative Strategy | 03/13/1992 | Exploration | Office of the Press Secretary | Fact Sheet |
George H.W. Bush | Space Exploration Initiative | 03/09/1992 | Exploration | George H.W. Bush | Policy Directive |
George H.W. Bush | Landsat Remote Sensing Strategy | 02/13/1992 | Remote Sensing | Office of the Press Secretary | Fact Sheet |
George H.W. Bush | Landsat Remote Sensing Strategy | 02/05/1992 | Remote Sensing | George H.W. Bush | Policy Directive |
George H.W. Bush | Implementation of the National Space Launch Strategy | 01/21/1992 | Launch | Department of Defense | Memo |
George H.W. Bush | Initiatives on Expanded Space Cooperation | 07/31/1991 | International Cooperation | Office of the Press Secretary | Fact Sheet |
George H.W. Bush | Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (START 1) | 07/31/1991 | Arms Control | United States, Soviet Union | Treaty/Int'l Agreement |
George H.W. Bush | Excerpts from Prepared Remarks by the Vice President | 07/24/1991 | Launch, Security, Space Program Priorities | Office of the Press Secretary | Statement/Speech |
George H.W. Bush | National Space Launch Strategy | 07/24/1991 | Launch | Office of the Press Secretary | Fact Sheet |
George H.W. Bush | National Space Launch Strategy | 07/10/1991 | Launch | George H.W. Bush | Policy Directive |
George H.W. Bush | Extension of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology | 06/28/1991 | Governance | George H.W. Bush | Policy Directive |
George H.W. Bush | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and European Space Agency | 06/18/1991 | International Cooperation | George H.W. Bush | Policy Directive |
George H.W. Bush | America at the Threshold: Report of the Synthesis Group - Executive Summary | May-1991 | Space Program Priorities | National Space Council | Report |
George H.W. Bush | U.S. Commercial Space Policy Guidelines | 02/12/1991 | Commercial | Office of the Press Secretary | Fact Sheet |
George H.W. Bush | U.S. Commercial Space Policy Guidelines | 02/11/1991 | Commercial | George H.W. Bush | Policy Directive |
George H.W. Bush | 1990 Report to the President | 01/04/1991 | Space Program Priorities | National Space Council | Report |
George H.W. Bush | Commercial Space Launch Policy | 09/05/1990 | Commercial, Launch | Office of the Press Secretary | Fact Sheet |
George H.W. Bush | Statement on commercial launch policy | 08/22/1990 | Commercial, Launch | Office of the Press Secretary | Statement/Speech |
George H.W. Bush | Remarks by the President in Texas A&I Commencement Address | 05/11/1990 | Space Program Priorities | Office of the Press Secretary | Statement/Speech |
Canadian Space Agency Act | 05/10/1990 | Governance | Canada | Statute |