Episode 74: Highlights from 2021 Value of Space Summit
Event details
October 21, 2021
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Time Zone
Eastern Time
Episode audio
About Episode 74
Are space systems considered “critical infrastructure”? How much of our lives are dependent on space, what’s at risk and how should it be protected? Find out from the 2021 Value of Space Summit directors, Erin Miller (Executive Director, Space ISAC) and Lori Gordon (Aerospace) as they talk to Sam Wilson (CSPS) with highlights and next steps from the Summit.
The National Council of Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs) is comprised of 25, nonprofit membership organizations across the global critical infrastructure sectors. The newest public-private-partnership, the Space ISAC, collaborates across the world to protect against vulnerabilities in both the public and private space sectors.
Featured Experts
Sam Wilson

Systems Director, Center for Space Policy and Strategy
Sam Wilson is a systems director for the Center for Space Policy and Strategy at The Aerospace Corporation.
Lori Gordon

Systems Director, Space Enterprise Evolution Directorate
Lori W. Gordon is Systems Director in the Space Enterprise Evolution Directorate at The Aerospace Corporation.