Our independent, objective analyses provide the technical underpinnings and detailed analytics to support the development, deployment, and implementation of space policy and strategy.

Our Resources

Space Policy Archive
The Center for Space Policy and Strategy has compiled an extensive collection of current and historical documents on U.S. and international space policy, law, and regulation. You can browse or search for these documents by Presidential Administration, origin, subject, and other criteria.

Strategic Foresighting
The Strategic Foresighting Team within The Aerospace Corporation's Center for Space Policy and Strategy (CSPS) is dedicated to expanding and advancing the futures mindset for an abundant space enterprise. Through systematic approaches in thinking about possible futures, we help empower decision-makers to shape aspirational futures starting today.

Space Policy Primer
in this second edition of the space policy primer authors offer key concepts and common nomenclature for thinking about space, an overview of international space law, key questions confronting the United States and other countries as well as a brief sketch of how the U.S. government is organized to address difficult space policy questions and touches on the rationales for investing in space activities. This primer contributes to the discussion on how the United States, and the world, can move ahead in space.

The Space Policy Show
The Space Policy Show is a virtual webcast series covering a broad set of topics from across the space enterprise. The show brings together experts from government, academia, industry leaders, non-profits, national labs, and inside Aerospace. The videos and associated podcasts are an opportunity to learn about and stay engaged with the larger space policy community. Browse our 8 research areas, and subscribe to the podcast, YouTube, or our mailing list.

Space Safety Institute
The Space Safety Institute at The Aerospace Corporation delivers independent safety assessments to enhance the safety of space and space-related activities for government, commercial, and international customers, in addition to fundamental safety research and development, and disseminating results through training, workshops, and publications. SSI published the 2022 Space Safety Compendium to identify a range of challenges in high-priority space safety issue areas and recommendations for the future sustainability of space operations.

Space Agenda 2021
Space Agenda 2021, is a compilation of papers highlighting issues already at the forefront of U.S. space policy or are likely to emerge in the coming years. Each paper serves as a chapter in the full Space Agenda 2021 report, offering concise backgrounds, astute analyses, and potential options to aid government decisionmakers, industry leaders and other space stakeholders.