Climate Change & the Environment
Environmental and weather monitoring has been a long-standing cornerstone of the space sector, however the earth faces increasingly drastic consequences to climate change. CSPS research investigates how the space sector can address those challenges and align with global and national environmental priorities.

Featured Papers
The Green Circularity: Life Cycle Assessments for the Space Industry

Can environmental life cycle assessments (E-LCAs) be used to understand the space sector’s cradle-to-grave impacts across space and terrestrial environments?
Implications of a Growing Spaceflight Industry: Climate Change

Given the fact that little scientific attention has been paid to the impacts of rocket launches and space debris reentries on global climate and stratospheric ozone, what information will policymakers need in the future to make effective regulatory decisions regarding industrial emissions and fossil fuel use?
Toward Environmental Accountability: Transforming Satellite Data Into Action

The environmental health of the planet continues to deteriorate as scientists study the problem. What does the next successful environmental initiative look like, and where will it come from?
Latest Papers, Events & News
David Livingston's The Space Show: Broadcast 3830
Climate Change & the Environment Podcasts
Featured Experts
Karen Jones

Senior Policy Analyst, Center for Space Policy and Strategy