Anticipating the New European Union Space Law

The European Union (EU) expects to release a new EU Space Law in late 2024 or early 2025. It will likely require non-EU commercial space companies providing satellite services within the EU marketplace— including U.S. companies— to comply with the law and its regulations. While the draft law is being closely held by the EU, analysis of its foundational documents and senior EU leader statements makes it possible to anticipate its objectives and priorities and to make a reasonable prediction of the types of requirements the law will impose.
Authors: Michael Gleason and Catrina Melograna
This paper was published in Space Agenda 2025, an effort by the Center for Space Policy and Strategy (CSPS) at The Aerospace Corporation to highlight and provide insights into some of the major space challenges facing policymakers. You can read the entire list of Space Agenda 2025 papers here.
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