Commercial Developments in Low Earth Orbit: Challenges and Opportunities
Event details

Event details
Opening remarks and Panel 1: "Commerce in Low Earth Orbit: Agency Views" available to watch on C-SPAN.
The Space Policy Institute and The Aerospace Corporation are excited to co-host a one-day hybrid symposium on the topic of commercial developments in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). You can join us in-person at the Elliott School of International Affairs or virtually via Zoom for a day of discussions, highlighting the perspectives of industry and government on the latest challenges and opportunities in LEO.
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM - Welcome and Introductory Remarks
- JAMIE MORIN, Executive Director, Center for Space Policy and Strategy, The Aerospace Corporation
- SCOTT PACE - Director, Space Policy Institute, George Washington University
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM - Keynote Address
- RICHARD DAL BELLO - Director, Office of Space Commerce, Department of Commerce
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM - Commerce in Low Earth Orbit: Agency Views
An increasing number of countries and companies are pursuing commercial activities of all kinds in LEO. Panelists will discuss the policy challenges and opportunities in the coming decade for LEO as an area of commercial growth and competition.
- CHARITY WEEDEN, NASA Associate Administrator for the Office of Technology, Policy, and Strategy, NASA Headquarters
- JANICE STARZYK, Deputy Director, Office of Space Commerce, Department of Commerce
- JULIE KEARNEY, Chief, Space Bureau, Federal Communications Commission
- KEVLIN COLEMAN, Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation, Department of Transportation
11:45 AM - 12:45 PM - Lunch Break
12:45 PM - 2:30 PM - Commerce in Low Earth Orbit: Industry Views
Companies are creating new LEO ventures in communications, remote sensing, and human-tended platforms. Panelists will provide insights on the key technical, regulatory and market challenges being addressed in the next few years.
- KALPAK GUDE, Head, Global Regulatory Affairs, Amazon Project Kuiper DANIELLE PINERES, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Compliance, Planet
- JARED STOUT, Vice President, Government and External Relations, Axiom Space
- JOHN WAGNER, Vice President, Strategy and Business Development, Sierra Space
- ERIC STALLMER, Exec. Vice President, Govt. Affairs and Public Policy, Voyager Space
- RICHARD LESHNER, Vice President, Govt. Affairs, VAST
- JACK DEASY, Senior Vice President, Business Development, Astroscale U.S. Inc.
2:30 - 2:45 PM - Coffee Break
2:45 PM - 3:30 PM - Challenges and Open Issues for Analysis
Panelists will provide insights on the questions and uncertainties facing analysts in industry, government, and consultancies when assessing the prospect for the commercial development of LEO.
- BRIAN WEEDEN, Systems Director, Center for Space Policy and Strategy, The Aerospace Corporation
- ELLIE CREASEY, Assistant Director, GeoTech Center, Atlantic Council
- MISTY SNOPKOWSKI , Program Executive, Commercial LEO Development Program, Space Operations Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters
- ALEX MCDONALD, Chief Economist, NASA Headquarters
- HENRY HERTZFELD, Research Professor, Space Policy Institute
- JEFF HANLEY, General Manager, Human Exploration and Space Flight, The Aerospace Corporation
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM - Closing Remarks
- CARISSA BRYCE CHRISTENSEN, Founder and CEO, BryceTech CHAD ANDERSON, Managing Partners, Space Capital
4:00 PM - 4:15 PM - Adjourn
- SCOTT PACE, Director, Space Policy Institute, George Washington University
Speakers / Guests
Jamie Morin

Brian Weeden