The Space Policy Show Series: ISAM

ISAM Series Playlist


The future of the space economy lies above the Karmen line more than one might think -- servicing satellites for life extension, assembling space stations in orbit, and manufacturing in space for space and for return to Earth.  

This 6-part series covers a range of foundational topics regarding the current and future development efforts for an in-space economy based on in-space servicing, assembly, and manufacturing (ISAM) technologies and missions.   The series ran in Fall of 2023, available by podcast or video.  Go to the YouTube playlist

  • International standards-making from the CONFERS annual commercial space meeting
  • How Stuff Works with Aerospace engineering experts
  • Extending capabilities with robotics with experts from Aerospace Corporation’s Human Exploration & Space Flight Division
  • Building US national collaboration with NASA's Trudy Kortes, Director of Technology Demonstrations
  • International geo-economics with Dr Brian Weeden, Director at Secure World Foundation and Karen Jones, space economist at Aerospace Corporation
  • Space Access, Mobility & Logistics (SAML) with Colonel Elvert Gardner, Director of Strategy, Policy, & Plans at US Space Force

ISAM Series Card Grid


126: Standards & Services in Space

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127: How Stuff Works: Servicing & Assembling in Space

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128: Humans vs. Robots for ISAM

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129: US National Strategies for ISAM

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130: The Geo-economics of ISAM

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131: Servicing for Endurance