Episode 139: Resilient Rocketry w/ Tory Bruno, CEO of United Launch Alliance

Event details

July 17, 2024
6:59am - 7:00am
Time Zone
Eastern Time
Remote video URL

Episode audio


About Episode 139

How can developments in rocket capabilities and in the way we launch reinforce resiliency and national security? For a future cislunar economy what will be the key drivers from a business standpoint? If we can maneuver space assets more responsively, how does that benefit deterrence and space sustainability? In this episode Aerospace’s Randy Kendall, Vice President of Launch, Missiles, and Mobility talks to Tory Bruno, President & CEO of United Launch Alliance (ULA) about these questions and more.   

This episode is part of the Center for Space Policy and Strategy's series on Resiliency. The series explores various perspectives of what resiliency means from across the space community.